Moving another time

After the apartment, a garage and a barn it was time to move again. This time we wanted to go 100% for House Raccoon. No in between solutions or concessions.
Working at the barn with Anneleen her grandma coming in from time to time for a chat with a cookie, some tea or home grown vegetable soup was certainly nice. But we had always known the place was only available until May. Also, with more and more store orders coming in, especially from outside of Belgium, the small place was getting really really really cramped. Really, moving around started to feel like a gym lesson at primary school. After the apartment, a garage and a barn it was time to move again.
"This time we wanted to go 100% for House Raccoon."
No in between solutions or concessions, it should be something where we could stay for a while longer than a few weeks or a few months.
We searched and searched and searched and found nothing. But then we searched again and didn't find anything either. And then finally, we searched another time and found the perfect 100 square meter basement workshop about 6 times the size of the barn in an old repurposed jam factory with a natural water source right under it. And what was even better, the owner also had an apartment 100 meters further which we could have (ok, read: hire). Searching many times surely pays of: we bet the commuter traffic will be great! We are currently in the process of moving there and will certainly keep you up to date about how planning a 100 square meter workshop sounds like a lot of fun and hopefully it is too.