Full Time House Raccoon

After a while, one has to recognize that you can only do so much in the evening
and that sleep is sometimes necessary. So far, we had been doing House Raccoon part-time on top of our full time day jobs. After a while, one has to recognize that you can only do so much in the evening and that sleep is sometimes necessary. Our cat Oscar was not really a volunteer to step in so it was time to make the big next step.
"Anneleen stopped full time at her job and started working full time for House Raccoon at the end of January. Doing things as a professional changes some fundamentals."
First of all, you really need to start making some money to start paying all the taxes that will now become a more visible part of your life. Secondly, you will wake up every morning excited about what the day will bring. And finally, you will now have more time to spend with your favorite cat who will still not really volunteer to help you out. Overall, an amazing transition!