House Plants - 25 Indoor Plants for your Urban Jungle

House Plants are in and allow you to de-stress the hustle and bustle of modern life. In this article, we discuss the 25 best indoor plants that you absolutely must have! Let's find your perfect next house plant!
1. Monstera Deliciosa
No house plant matches the popularity of this green star. With its striking perforated holes, it is an eye-catcher in any interior. It grows relatively fast and is very easy to care for and we like that! Learn more .

2. Monstera Deliciosa Variegata 'thai constellation'
The Monstera Deliciosa has many colored variants but this is the only one that is really easy to buy. He also has one of the longest names in this list. And he is super popular so he will make all your plant friends super jealous! Learn more .

3. Monstera Adansonii
The Monstera Adansonii houseplant is just as iconic as its nephew the Monstera Deliciosa. It has smaller leaves but grows much faster. In the growing season, he makes a few new leaves per week. Also easy to care for! Learn more .

4. Sansevieria Trifasciata
One of the most popular indoor plants of all time and that is not difficult because it is almost impossible not to keep them alive. It can easily be without water for a few weeks to months and can grow up to 200 cm. Learn more.

5. Sansevieria Trifasciata Laurentii
Just as cool as his cousin above but with a yellow edge. This houseplant is also almost impossible to kill. It is very well available so that is a plus. Learn more.

6. Sanseveria Cylindrica
The Sanseveria Cylindrica house plant is also called African spear due to its pointed round appearance. It is more exclusive than the two Sanseverias above and therefore, guaranteed an excellent addition to your plant collection. Learn more.

7. Sanseveria Masoniana
A very iconic houseplant. The Sanseveria Masoniana is also called whale fin Sanseveria due to its resemblance to a whale fin. Logical right? You often find it with only one leaf in a pot, which makes it even more special. Learn more.

8. Ficus Elastica
The Ficus Elastica is a tree that used to be used for the production of rubber and can, therefore, become quite large. But that takes decades and most cultivated varieties remain narrower. With its thick leaves, this is a very simple and beautiful house plant to care for.

9. Ficus Elastica Variegata 'tineke'
Variegata simply means multicolor. This cultivated variant of the Ficus Elastica has beautiful white accents on its leaves. It is also not expensive at all!

10. Ficus Lyrata
The Ficus Lyrata is used in so many interior and design shoots that you cannot help but get it in your home. As long as he has enough light, he is very happy. This too is actually a tree and can therefore become very large.

11. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma
This plant is also sometimes confused with the Monstera Deliciosa. The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, however, grows much much faster (it can grow more than a meter per growing season), especially when you allow it to climb up against something.

12. Ludisia Macodes Petola
Ludisia orchids are a type of orchids that are known for their beautiful leaves instead of the flowers for which orchids are often known. The Macodes Petola variant is definitely the most beautiful of the Ludisia orchids. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to obtain.

13. Philodendron Gloriosum
Philodendrons are well known and are often confused with Monsteras because of their heart-shaped (sometimes with holes) leaf shape. One of the most beautiful philodendron that exists is without a doubt the Gloriosum. With its silver-colored lines on its large leaves, it is the eye-catcher among the house plants in any interior. It is unfortunately not easy to find. So if you see one, be quick and buy it!

14. Philodendron Elegans
With its deep cuts, the Philodendron is a bit of an exotic guy, but isn't that the whole point of collecting house plants? A very unique plant!

15. Philodendron Cordatum
The Philodendron Cordatum is a houseplant with small heart-shaped leaves that looks a bit like ivy. You can use it perfectly as a hanging plant.

16. Epipremnum Aureum
This is also called golden Pothos or Devil's vine because it also stays green when put in the dark. The golden pothos is a climbing plant and is almost impossible to kill. It is also the only Arum plant that never gets flowers.

17. Alocasia Macrorrhizos
The Alocasia Macrorrhizos is also called Elephant's ear. It is not such an easy plant to keep because it needs a lot of light and a humidity of 70%. In non-tropical climates, this means spraying with water twice a day.

18. Alocasia Zebrina
This is the nephew of the plant above and he has very interesting stripes on his stems. Hence his name. This too is not super easy to care for but it is a very nice addition to your collection.

19. Schefflera Nora
This plant is sometimes called the finger plant because its leaves consist of several parts. This makes it a very fascinating plant. It is fairly easy to hold and can grow up to 2 meters.

20. Coffee Arabica
This hugely important plant is responsible for almost all of the world's coffee production. In the wild it is a small tree that grows up to 8 meters tall, but in your home it remains quite small. Most plants are smaller than 30 cm.

21. Euphorbia Ingens
This list certainly could not stop without a cactus. Cacti need little care and are great house plants. The Euphorbia Ingens is one of our favorite cacti because it is so incredibly photogenic. Just like most cacti and succulents, it does not grow very fast.

22. Calathea Zebrina
No plant with such a diverse collection of bright drawings on its leaf as the Calathea. He has for many years been the favorite of anyone who has anything to do with plants. The Calathea Zebrina is certainly one of the most beautiful Calathea there is.

23. Calathea Musaica
The Calathea Musaica also has beautiful leaves. They remain best at high humidity or by spraying it twice a week with water.

24. Calathea Orbifolia
The Calathea Orbifolia has the largest leaves of the three Calatheas in this article. It is a medium sized houseplant that will impress all your visitors.

25. Strelitzia Reginae
We end the list of House Plants with the beautiful Strelitzia Reginae. This plant is already stunning without flowers (the leaves look a bit like banana leaves), but the orange beauties appear you understand why it is also called Paradise Bird plant. It grows up to 6 meters high in the wild and also grows pretty fast in your living room. Perfect house plant!